When you hear the term “mulch”, you likely think of gardens or landscaping. Mulch is ideal for protecting the roots of trees, vegetables, shrubs, and flowers, moderating weed growth, and adding aesthetic property value. But while these usages for mulch are common, mulch is also used extensively as a ground covering at children’s playgrounds. What is playground mulch, and what are its benefits? Let’s take a closer look.

playground mulch near me

Playground mulch is spread around playground equipment to establish a soft play surface for kids. This specialized type of mulch is typically made from recycled rubber or wood chips and is meant to absorb the impact of a fall.

Traditional Mulch: Let’s Review

Mulch is applied around or over the soil to support the growth of plants, minimize weed growth, and preserve the soil’s moisture. Yard mulch is typically made of wood or bark, which breaks down and decays over time. Mulch provides essential nutrients such as nitrogen to plants and trees.

Garden mulch plays a vital role in retaining moisture. It shields plant roots from intense sunlight, minimizes the effects of evaporation, and protects the soil from changes in temperature – maintaining an optimum environment for growth.

Garden mulch prevents weeds from breaking through the soil. Mulch prevents the sunlight from reaching weeds, limiting their growth.

Regular mulch adds beauty to your landscapes and yards. Mulch is commercially available in many colors and textures, allowing homeowners, gardeners and landscapers to match aesthetic objectives.

How Playground Mulch is Different

Playground mulch is designed for use on playgrounds and backyards where children will be present. This kind of mulch is typically made from recycled rubber or wood chips and provides a cushion for kids in the event of a fall. Playground mulch is a cost-effective solution available in many varieties. As long as playground mulch is applied in adequate quantities, it will provide a sturdy but somewhat soft surface for kids to land on safely. Research shows that children who experience a fall on playground mulch are injured less often than those who fall on dirt, grass or concrete.

The primary difference between playground mulch and regular mulch is that the former is designed to be softer than regular mulch.

What Are the Benefits of Choosing Playground Mulch?

Some of the most notable benefits of choosing specialized playground mulch include:

  1. Provides a Safe Landing Place: One of the primary advantages of playground mulch is that it is designed to reduce the impact of a fall and avoid serious injuries.
  2. Long-Lasting, Durable and Low Maintenance: Playground mulch is long-lasting, providing a ground covering for many years when cared for properly. The good news is that playground mulch typically does not require any special care.
  3. Affordable and Cost Effective: Another significant benefit of playground mulch is that it is typically cheaper than other playground surfacing options, such as rubber tiles.
  4. Easy Installation: All playground mulch requires is to be spread around the playground area, and installation is complete.

What is FLOPP Mulch?

FLOPP (Florida’s Own Premium Playground Mulch) is a natural, high-quality playground mulch that is manufactured according to strict industry standards. This premium, eco-friendly mulch represents the ideals of environmental stewardship, repurposing recycled wood that promotes a healthier and more sustainable planet. The engineered wood fiber is IPEMA Certified, guaranteeing compliance with ASTM F1292-22, ASTM F2075-20, and ASTM F3351-19e1 standards.

If you are responsible for installing playground mulch for a community park or center, you can be assured that Versana’s FLOPP Mulch meets the most stringent safety criteria for impact attenuation and accessibility.

Call the Veransa Group today to learn more about our mulch products.

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