Veransa donated all the ground cover mulch needed to create the floor for a new Micro-Forest being built at Heritage Harbour, a 3,770 home development in Lutz Florida. Micro-forests are powerful agents for improving the quality of our coastal waters and combating climate change.

A micro-forest is a very dense planting of native species on an area as small as 2/10 of an acre to as large as an acre or more. The project was conceived and developed by Sarasota Urban Reforesters (SURF), a coalition of nonprofits that includes founding members Florida Veterans for Common Sense Fund, Inc.; Solutions to Avoid Red Tide (START); and Sarasota Bay Rotary Club.

SURF is planting the micro forest with more than 50 native tree species that include sentinel canopy trees, subtrees, shrubs and understory species, including grasses and wildflowers. The forest will be a natural and maintenance-free amenity for the park and its visitors. The small forest will cool the area down, offsetting the parking lot’s heat and glare, and will offer visitors a natural and educational experience when they walk through its winding trails

“Veransa’s donation of all the mulch we needed to create a forest floor shows that the company cares about improving the quality of our coastal waters, as well as moving toward more sustainable housing developments in Florida,” Said Charles C Reith of SURF. “Veransa is passionate about its contributions to improving the quality of our coastal waters, as well sustainability in general. SURF’s Micro-forest projects are small but ecologically powerful, and very much in line with Veransa’s commitment to a more sustainable future in Florida and beyond”, said Marc Owensby, CEO of Veransa Group.

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